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Recreation Committee Minutes July 12, 2005
Sunapee Recreation Meeting July 12, 2005
Attending: Deb McGrath, Scott Blewitt, Chris Williams, Janet Cain, Chuck Weinstein, Patricia A. Halpin.
Meeting called to order at 7:05. Minutes approved.
Scott Unsworth gave a report of beach activities. Dewey Beach is now staffed 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Georges Mills beach will be staffed 11a.m. –3 p.m.
They are still finding glass and metal at Georges Mills beach. The smoking policy will be reviewed for Dewey Beach.
Scott Blewitt reported the snorkeling class went really well. The tennis lessons are full. The Dewey beach electrical wiring needs to be updated. He will get three bids and plan on having the work done after Labor Day.
The Dewey Beach neighbors want to attach a swim line to our swim line. This would prevent boats from coming too close to the shore. Scott will check with the Marine patrol to see if they have a right to use the beach to drop people off.
The dead plants and trees will be removed from Dewey beach. The lilacs were cut back and will be allowed to regrow. There will be additional planting in the fall.
Fall soccer has 50 children signed up so far.
Play soccer camp had 19 campers. Scott will look into getting the British soccer camp here instead as it is heavily attended in New London and a better program.
The spring sports picnic was a huge success. There was a very big turnout of players and families.
The July 2 after parade games were very successful. Janet will get the Lions club to do the food next year.
Budget expenditures are on target.
Scott suggested documenting kayak use and suggested the purchase of a canoe in the future.
Swim lessons have started. The lessons are lasting an average of 30 minutes. Scott will ensure each parent has an evaluation at the end of the session so we can assess the swim lesson program.
The Skateboard Park needs repair. Scott will get quotes on buying new equipment. The committee authorized him to spend $2000.00 for new equipment.
The Basketball lights and timers have been repaired.
The committee will donate $200.00 to the Rock Bass Derby August 13.
Scott will get quotes on resurfacing the basketball court this fall.
Meeting adjourned 8:55 p.m.
Next meeting August 9.